2011年2月23日 星期三



沙朗博士是美國中央密蘇理大學(University of Central Missouri)的榮譽退休安全教授沙朗博士(Dr. Chitaranjan Saran)將SHE和EAP合起來稱為SHEEAP,其中SHE是安全衛生環保;EAP是Employee Assistance Program(員工協助方案),SHEEAP發音很像羊(SHEEP),讓人印象深刻。Dr. Saran同時是SHE和EAP的專家,他的履歷可以參閱網頁:http://www.linkedin.com/pub/chitaranjan-saran/3/612/342他樂於與台灣合作推廣SHEEAP課程與顧問服務。有意者請與本人(fullpot@gmail.com)聯絡。

Chitaranjan (Jivan) Saran, PhD, PE, CPE, CHCM

Professor Emeritus - Engineer - Ergonomist

191 SE 411, Warrensburg, Mo 64093-8381, USA

E- Mail: saran@charter.net ; Web: http://faculty.ucmo.edu/saran

Tel/Fax: 1 660 747 8065 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1 660 747 8065 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

To help and train professionals, managers and leaders in corporations, government agencies, NGOs, industries, and others around the globe to think GREEN and :

1) improve productivity through Ergonomics,

2) promote holistic SHEEP (Safety, Health, Ergonomics and Environmental Protection)- Management and Engineering,

3) build bridges break barriers (BBBB) across cultural divides to improve SHEEP and productivity,

4) balance allocation of limited resources to control losses,

5) develop, implement, and evaluate custom tailored programs, and

6) employ environmentally friendly technologies, policies & procedures

A. Consultation with academia, industries, Government agencies

NGOs and professional organizations. Offering courses- intensive

short term or full semester

B. Presentations/Training Workshops- 20 minutes to 6 hours

01. BBBB to the 21st Century

02. Balancing SHEEP Needs

03. Common sense Ergonomics

04. SHEEP Risk Evaluation- An International Perspective

05. SHEEP Management and Engineering: International and Holistic

06. SHEEP: Global Connections:

07. SHEEP International + Development = A Delicate Balance:

08. Agricultural SHEEP & Women: A Global Cooperation:

09. SHEEP As the World Changes: .

10. SHEEP Challenges in Agriculture: Present and Future:

11. SHEEP Measurement and Evaluation


01. BBBB for International Cooperation in SHEEP: This proposal explores cooperation between various units of a corporation, academia, industries, and research institutions. This cooperation in education, training, research and consultation will include: joint degree programs, research projects,

02. SHEEP program need assessment, development, implementation, and progress measurement & evaluation

03. Training of management, workers, and researchers in SHEEP program implementation

04. Courses in various areas of SHEEP: Short term intensive or full semester
